- February 10, 2019
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Multi-State Conceal Carry Weapons Courses
Multi-State CCW Courses as a whole address traveling across the US while Carrying a Firearm on your person/in your car. In most cases they are easier to get than your NYS License.
Federal transportation laws allow you to travel with your firearms unloaded in a locked safe of some sort with the ammo separate. Multi-State Licenses allow you to travel “Carrying on your person” in states other than your state of residence.
There are “Resident” and Non-Resident Licenses. Resident licenses are from the state you live in. Non-Residential licenses are from states other than your state of residence. Your NYS Pistol License is good in approx. 25 states currently. Adding other states licenses gives you more freedom to travel across the country “carrying”your firearm.
Your 8 hour Course includes;
- Your safety course for Arizona, Florida and .
- Fingerprinting
- Assistance with the applications.
The reason for all 3 is;
- Other States Certificates look good on your NYS “Just Cause” Portfolio.
- There are resident and non-resident limitations.
- Multiple licenses allow you to travel without having to lock your firearms in your trunk unloaded.
Each state has separate application fees and each state’s license in less than 90 days from the time of application. All of our Instructors have many years of training and practical experience and travel in other states with their firearms.
With completion of this course you will receive the following items;
- Pistol Safety Certificates for each state.
- Completed fingerprint cards for each state with 1 for Florida (Florida must be done by Law-Enforcement).
- Your applications notarized when a Notary is available.
- A compact disk with the “Use of Force Laws” for NYS, Fla., AZ. and Utah.
- A schedule sheet laying out the full process of your needs prior to mailing each application.
The cost for this course $100.00 and the duration is 4 hours.
Concealed Weapons License Reciprocity with Other States
CAUTION! Gun Concealed carry laws vary greatly from state to state and even within counties and municipalities within those states. Therefore, if you have a Concealed Weapons License and are planning to visit a state that has concealed weapons license , remember that you are subject to the laws of that state, including any county or city ordinances, that apply to concealed weapons licenses and concealed weapons carry. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with those laws, ordinances and codes and comply with them. Concealed weapons license reciprocity in any form is simply that, reciprocity, and it does not immunize a person from criminal or civil consequences for breaking the law. Also, please note that some states grant reciprocity to Concealed Carry Licenses for concealed firearms only, and do not extend reciprocity for other weapons . That may include under its Concealed Weapons Licenses devices such as dirks, dirk knives, bowie knives, daggers or any other deadly or dangerous weapon.
Venue: Multi-State Course
Venue Phone: 3157515559
Venue Website: www.shootershaven.com