Combat Shotgun
This class will discuss the use of shotguns in self-defense scenarios. This is a non-shooting course.
- Article 35: The Law.
- Basic Safety for all types of Shotguns
- Types of Shotguns and their uses.
- Semi Auto or Pump?
- Shotguns and accessories-what is legal.
- Loaded in the house or not
- Placement for easy access
- Features and options for defensive shotguns.
- Basic shooting skills
- What gauge and types of ammunition should/can be used.
- Loading/unloading the different types of Shotguns
- Strategy and procedures for defending yourself in an active shooter event.
- Locations in the home and safe storage in preparation for an event.
Cost for the class is $125.00
*We do not offer refunds. Any payments made can be used for Course Credits or Merchandise since payment is not required on any Course upfront except for the PA trip and any trip traveling out of town. These are special interest Courses and take special planning (changing days, making resources available, etc…).