Changes to Multi-State Pistol Licenses

Be Aware of the Following Aberrations in How States
Honor Other States Permit/Licenses!

Idaho has added an “Enhanced Permit’ to the permits they issue. The Enhanced takes more training and 

they are hoping more states will honor it. Check the Idaho page for what states honor the ID Enhanced.

Pennsylvania Only Honors Resident Permits from the states of Arizona, Florida, Maine, Mississippi and
Virginia. They will not honor a Non Resident AZ, FL, ME, MS or VA Permit/License to Carry.
Pennsylvania is amending their agreements to not honor any states Non Resident Permit/License.

Nebraska Will only honor the Iowa Non-Professional Permit. Not their Professional Permit.

New Mexico will only honor permit/licenses from the states they honor if the person is a US Citizen. They
will not honor any permit/license issued to a Legal Resident Alien.

Starting 11/1/12 Residents of Alaska, Arizona, Vermont & Wyoming can carry in
Oklahoma under their states Permitless Carry Law and do not need a permit/license from
Their home state. They must carry their state issued ID and be 21 Years of age.

Colorado, Florida, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire & South Carolina
Only honor Permit/Licenses from “Residents” of the states they honor.
They will not honor any Non-Resident Permit/Licenses from any state.

Wisconsin will only honor the VA Non Resident permit and “Not” their Resident Permit.

Ohio will not honor the Arizona Non-Resident Permit/License. They will
Honor all other Non-Resident Permit/Licenses from the states they honor.

Texas will only honor the Rhode Island Permit/License issued by the Rhode Island Attorney
General’s Office. Local issued Rhode Island Permit/Licenses are not honored by Texas.

Alaska, Arizona and Vermont have what is called Permitless Carry. Anyone who
can legally possess a firearm can carry them Concealed without any type of permit/license.
You must be 21 Y/O and carry your ID.

North Dakota – ND Issues two classes of Licenses. If you hold a Class 2 License from ND check carefully
the states you wish to visit as there are a number of states that honor the North Dakota Class 1 License
but not their Class 2 License.

West Virginia/Wisconsin – WI will only honor the WV permit issued after 6/8/12. WV changed their law
on how they run background checks. WV does not honor WI at this time.

Wyoming’s Permitless Carry Law only applies to Residents of Wyoming.

Wisconsin/Alaska – WI will only honor the AK permit issued after 1/14/13. AK changed their law on how
they run background checks. AK Honors all other states permit/licenses.

Some states that honor other states Permit/Licenses will not honor that states Permit/license unless the
holder of the Permit/license is 21 years of age.

Concealed Carry: Your Draw, Muscle Memory and Mindset

Learning to draw, increasing your muscle memory and adjusting your mindset are three important aspects of concealed carry.

Photo: blucoreshootingcenter.comYour Draw

There are many ways to draw from different concealment positions, and learning and practicing the best ways for you are crucial. You never want to be in a situation where you need to get to your firearm quickly, but you find yourself fumbling with your jacket or shirt. Practicing in your home (with an unloaded firearm) and practicing at the range on a regular basis are important as well.

When I first put my firearm on in the morning, I take a few minutes to practice drawing in front of the mirror with what I’m wearing that day. A longer shirt than you’re used to wearing can make a big difference when drawing. Your hand needs to go down just a little further to get a hold of the bottom of your shirt. These things need to be taken into consideration at all times.


Jeff Cooper on Mindset

Jeff Cooper on Mindset

The idea of having a home defense gun(s) comes from a particular mindset.  That mindset is one along the lines of that one must be ready to take lethal action in order to protect oneself and one’s family.

Jeff Cooper is known as the father of the “Modern Technique” of handgun shooting.  Besides weapons and shooting, Cooper was a huge proponent of having a proper mindset.  Check out Cooper’s book “Principles Of Personal Defense.” One of my favorite quotes of his is”

“Calling 911 is all well and great, but they take a long time to get there.”



The 21-Foot Rule

The 21-Foot Rule

 If you are attacked from inside of 21 feet, you will have to adjust your tactics.

By Sheriff Jim Wilson (RSS)

 September 13, 2013

Some years ago, a police officer in Utah did some tests regarding reaction time and determined an assailant, armed with a knife or club, could attack his opponent from 21 feet before the other could react and get a shot off. The problem, of course, was the defender had to identify the threat, determine a course of action and then act. And he had to do all of this in about 1 to 1.5 seconds. Meanwhile, the attacker is rapidly closing ground and delivering his blow.

Now, Internet commandos notwithstanding, there are extremely few people who can deliver death with one strike of a knife. In fact, in this type of close-range attack the club—or blunt object of various kinds—is really the deadlier weapon. Regardless, no one wants to be cut with a knife or, for that matter, injured in any way by a determined attacker.

The proper response to this type of attack is a fast draw, accurate shot and lots and lots of practice. And, one should not cheat in his practice by using range gear. The practice should include the use of the covering garment and holster worn for concealed carry.

In addition, it may be an excellent response to fire the stopping shot with one hand, instead of two. The support hand and arm should be engaged in one of several blocking tactics to ward off the attacker’s blow. Just remember, whatever blocking technique is used, the support hand must always be clear of the firearm. Shooting yourself in the hand or arm is not an effective response to any sort of attack.

Given the need for a blocking action, the defensive shooter should avoid using a concealment holster that requires two hands to engage. Fanny packs and ankle holsters are two that come readily to mind. The support hand must be ready to block, giving the defensive shooter time to complete his draw and deliver the fight-stopping shot.

Because this type of response is fast and involved, it is a great idea to develop a personal technique during dry practice. Once the basics become habit, the shooter can then head for the range and work out on close-range targets.

Being attacked from 21 feet does not automatically mean you have lost the fight, and you won’t lose the fight if you plan and practice ahead of time.

Carjacking Defense

Carjacking Defense

We are probably at our most vulnerable driving in our cars. Here is a great video about what to think about and what to do to aid in carjackingMale thief opening car door, accomplice distracts female driverdefense.

As always, number one is to practice conflict avoidance and situational awareness. Leave yourself always an out and keep your eyes open about what is going on around you.

Next is to clear your over garment when you get in the car. This does a couple things. It gives you clear access to your weapon and it also covers it to avoid problems with passer and drivers by.

Keep muzzle awareness in the vehicle. It is very confined inside a car or truck and if the weapon goes off as you engage you want it going off in a safe direction.

Remember to know your target, what is in line with it and what is behind it.  You own that bullet when you let it go.

As mentioned in the video, training is important. Think about getting or renting an airsoft gun to get the practice you need.


Getting My Wife to Carry – CCW for Women

Getting My Wife to Carry – CCW for Women


by Home Defense Gun staffer Pat

CCW for women can be a tough sell. I always find it strange that there seems to be a societal stigma against armed women. Given our country’s women and CCWfrontier legacy, it is safe to say that women have been using firearms of one kind or another to defend cabins, farms, cattle drives, and wagon trains since before the Nation knew it was destined to become a Nation. We don’t still talk about Arnie Oakley or Pa Barker, do we? Point being there is nothing outrageous about the prospect of American Women packing heat on either side of the law. I believe that this stigmatization is an attempt by the anti-gun faction to pick away at the social acceptability of firearms, one demographic group at a time.

Unfortunately, the notion that guns are for guys has been fostered for a long time. While a man raised to be familiar with firearms is still not out of the ordinary, the number of women that have not been properly exposed is quite large. My wife was one of these women. She grew up in a house with guns and hunting brothers, but in her father’s eyes guns were not a feminine pursuit. Therefore, his daughters went untrained and unfamiliar with weapons. Sadly, I think this has become the norm, and that can make it tough for a husband who wants his wife to be protected even when he isn’t there. The one saving grace for me when I wanted to start introducing my wife to guns was that at least she had grown up knowing they were in the house. At least she wasn’t completely freaked out by the prospect of having them around. I think there are more and more out there all the time that find the thought of guns in the home to be completely foreign and frightening.

So, getting guns into the house didn’t present a problem. Keeping them out of the house would have presented a problem for her, but we didn’t have to go down that road. The next hurdle was to start getting her comfortable with handling and shooting them. This was a very long process, and didn’t really kick in until we had kids that were old enough to be interested in shooting. My oldest daughter led the way on this front, developing into a fine hand gunner, shot gunner, and rifleperson, the rest of my five kids are coming along nicely. Shooting became one of our family activities, and my wife had no choice but to join in or get left behind.women and ccw

Shooting as a family had some great benefits in training my wife. I had an opportunity to get all the way back to basics without being accused of condescension. Shooting with the kids gave me the chance to start from the start with my wife as well, and I think she has benefited immensely from this experience.

When I started to think in terms of my wife being ready for a CCW permit, I went out and got her a pistol for mother’s day. We went into a new round of training, getting her familiar and proficient with the new weapon. I also started introducing tactics and combat shooting skills into the mix, but still only approached the subject of Concealed Carry only obliquely. Still, I was met with some resistance on the prospect of her actually getting her CCW.

The first argument I encountered was that she didn’t want to carry a gun all the time. This, of course, is an easy objection to overcome. Getting a CCW permit does not obligate you to carry a gun all the time. It does, however, give you that option if circumstances warrant. If you wait until you need a gun to get your permit, you have waited too long. I pointed out to her that we from time to time are obligated to go into towns that are larger than the one we live near, and that the streets can get pretty dark at bight.

Next argument: what about the kids? What about the kids? If we have anything worth defending, it is certainly them. All of our kids have been raised with guns, by a firearms instructor father and a former navy weapons officer grandpa, if it were legal I would let them go armed without reservation. I told my wife if she ever got into a bind she could hand her pistol off to our oldest daughter who would undoubtedly know what to do with it! Kids and guns are not an issue if you teach your kids right (and right from wrong!).

Final objection: I don’t know if I could shoot someone. This is a tough philosophical dilemma and one that comes up often when I am teaching CCW classes, especially from the women. I generally advise my students that if they can get out of a situation for the cowomen and ccwntents of their wallet, let the wallet go. I have never had enough in my pockets to justify taking even the basest human life, and would not kill over a few dollars. Trouble is, there are a lot of very violent criminals out there these days and your wallet or purse may not buy your safety. This is an even bigger issue for women, wives and daughters. Whether or not you can kill to defend your own life is a very personal moral question, but, as with the last objection, what about the kids?

The “what about the kids” argument finally won her over. Mamma bears have got to defend their cubs, and it can be tough without claws! All the ground work helped me to convince her. Making shooting part of our family’s life, teaching her skills that fostered confidence, all that. I think, though, that what finally did the trick was the discovery that there are a lot of very nice and stylish gun handbags available and that husbands seldom argue about buying items with built in magazine pouches!

What arguments have you heard for and against concealed carry for women.  Let us know in the comments.


Fix Your Handgun Accuracy Problems

Fix Your Handgun Accuracy Problems

Guest Post by survival, preparedness, and firearms expert, David MorrisOne of the most common firearms problems that people have is jerking their firearm so that they are shooting groups are below the bulls eye.  handgun accuracySometimes the group is loose, sometimes it’s shaped like an upside down “V”, and sometimes it’s low, but so tight that you might think that the sights are off.

This problem is called anticipatory jerk, and it’s normally caused by trying to anticipate the timing and severity of recoil.  This problem is one that happens to the majority of new shooters and oftentimes returns, like a stubborn fungus, throughout a shooter’s lifetime.

Besides low and/or loose groups, this problem often shows up when pulling the trigger on an empty chamber or a dud round.  If you’ve got a problem with anticipatory jerk, the barrel of the gun will dive down as you’re pulling the trigger and there’s no recoil to hide the jerk.

This is one of several dozen problems that you’ll find quick, easy, and inexpensive solutions for in my new book: “Tactical Firearms Training Secrets”!

Here are a few things that you can do to combat this problem:

1.    I mentioned dry fire training for the “eyes shut” exercise the other day and dry fire training can help you develop the habit of staying on target through the trigger break.  Specifically, while dry firing, you want to keep your sights lined up with your intended target throughout your entire trigger press, through the trigger break, and after the trigger breaks as you’re holding the trigger fully depressed.  If the muzzle of your firearm “dives” as your trigger breaks, focus on keeping your sights lined up and repeat as necessary until your sights stay lined up throughout the entire process.

2.    Put snap caps or dummy rounds in random places in your magazines.  Better yet, have a training partner load your magazines for you.  As you’re shooting and hit a dummy round, you’ll know immediately whether you’re anticipating recoil by whether or not you stay on target through the trigger break or if the muzzle of the barrel dives.  Snap caps are also great to practice malfunction drills so that you can hardwire your brain to respond quickly and efficiently on what to do when your firearm fails to function under stress.

3.    Try training with an airsoft “tactical training” class of airsoft firearm.  They’re the same size and weight as their real counterpart and will allow you to quickly see whether or not you have any issues with anticipatory jerk.  When I’m teaching people firearms skills, I almost always start by having them practice the skills with airsoft before practicing the skills with lead.   Besides the fact that some people jerk every firearm they grab, many people will show a high degree of proficiency with airsoft and have their groups fall apart with live fire.  In these cases, it is quickly obvious that the shooter can’t say, “I’m just a bad shooter”  and that there was a fundamental change in technique that was made during the transition from airsoft to live fire that can quickly be identified and fixed.

This quick fix is just the tip of the iceberg of the high speed, low cost, low visibility techniques that I cover in my book, Tactical Firearms Training Secrets.

Share a tip or technique you use to improve accuracy in the comments.


David Morris, AKA SurvivalDave, is one of the few survival authors who won’t try to “wow” you with his credentials. Why? Because frankly, his credentials don’t matter. Survival “experts” are a dime a dozen, but what’s rare and valuable is David’s ability to take complex survival topics and write about them in such a way that you can actually start applying the knowledge and skills immediately on a daily basis. David doesn’t live in a yurt or on a fully stocked rural retreat. He lives in the real world in a city with a wife and young kids. As a result, he has worked with dozens of subject matter experts to develop strategies to survive breakdowns in civil order while remaining in the city. David is one of a select group of authors can write so that both newbie preppers and hard core survivalists with military and law enforcement experience rave about his work and learn something new on every page.  Check out his book Tactical Firearms Training Secrets here.

Gun Safety Rules: For Those Who Know Guns

Gun Safety Rules: For Those Who Know Guns

  1. Always treat a gun as if it were loaded.Target shooting
  2. Never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire.
  3. Never point the gun at something you aren’t willing to destroy.
  4. Know what is beyond your target.

If you have a gun, you should know the 4 basic gun safety rules.  If you don’t have a gun, you should know the 4 basic gun safety rules.  It seems that for some reason, I have been hearing about or encountering too many people who either don’t know or are too comfortable with the rules.  It is good to have a healthy fear of guns.  Guns should be respected and given proper treatment.

Being new to the business side of guns, I have never been muzzled more times than in the last few months.  At our very first show, there was a woman looking for a holster.  When I asked her what type of gun she had, she pulled it out of her purse and handed it to me, muzzle first.  Every gun safety alarm went off in my head.  I took the weapon from her to get myself out of the line of the barrel and proceeded to clear it.  Not being very familiar with revolvers, I was unable to open the cylinder.  In an effort to not freak out, I held the gun in a safe direction as I talked to her about carry methods and holster options.  In further conversation, I found out her son had bought the gun for her to use for home defense.  Later, I thought it was interesting that she was comfortable enough to just throw the gun in her purse and use it on the range, but not competent enough to hand it over to another person.

Men, don’t start thinking it’s a woman thing.  I’ve seen it from you too.  I can’t tell you the countless times I have been handed a gun muzzle first, have one thrown on a table, or seen someone trying to check out the type of a gun they have in their girlfriend’s face.  In the last case, my business partner graciously took the weapon, cleared it, and handed it back with the slide locked back to the rear.  And time after time I get the response, “It’s not loaded.”  My 4 year old can tell you that a gun is always loaded.  It’s rule number one!

Don’t worry, it’s not just the civilians either.  I know a lot of cops and I hear a lot of stories.  Recently, I got a call from a friend saying she was on her way to the emergency room because an officer had shot his hand while cleaning his gun.  What!?!  He was preparing to clear his gun and got distracted.  He forgot to do a double check.  When he pulled the trigger to release the slide for cleaning, he found out it was still loaded.  It blew the watch right off his wrist.  He did not treat the gun as if it were loaded, he put his finger on the trigger when he wasn’t ready to fire, he pointed his gun at something he wasn’t willing to destroy, and he did not check what was behind his target.  Safety rules 1-4, BROKEN.

I’m not trying to call people out or say they are stupid.  What I’m trying to say, is people are too comfortable with the rules and don’t respect them.  You wouldn’t pass a set mouse trap without disarming it.  You wouldn’t put your hand on a chainsaw blade with your finger on the trigger.  A gun should get the same treatment.

So let’s take our 4 rules a step further and add some etiquette.

  1. Always clear your weapon in a safe direction.
  2. Do a visual and physical check of the chamber to make sure it is empty.
  3. Hand the weapon to the other person with the action (slide or cylinder) open.
  4. Hand over the weapon with the muzzle pointing down (or another safe direction).
  5. The receiving person should be able to get a good grip on the frame when taking it from you or just lay it down on a table so they can pick it up themselves.
  6. Always index your trigger finger when handling the gun.

This may be common sense, but sometimes we just need to be reminded.  Be aware of where you are and who you are dealing with.  If you don’t know something, ask.  I assure you, I have now learned the proper way to open the cylinder of a revolver and if I’m not familiar with a gun, I ask.  You are not only responsible for what you know, but also for what you think others know.  Nobody will ever get mad at you for being too safe.

Stay safe and have fun.


Should You Carry a Round in the Chamber?

If you’ve ever asked yourself the question that’s in the title of this article, you’re going to want to give this a good solid read.
Quite a while ago, we posted a short and to-the-point article about carrying one in the chamber. We have decided to elaborate on this a little, as we came to the realization that many people who are starting out with firearms or completely new to them may not realize a few things when it comes to their concealed carry firearms.
How safe is it to carry with one in the chamber?
We’ll start with this: If you are carrying a modern firearm, it is extremely safe to carry your firearm with a round in the chamber. Features such as manual safeties, internal safeties, heavy triggers and FINGER DISCIPLINE will not allow your firearm to discharge unintentionally. A cocked and locked 1911 is no more dangerous with a round in the chamber than a revolver. We’ll stress this again: with a modern firearm, it will not discharge unless your trigger is pulled. However…
There are some exceptions to this, such as the type of holster you use (or if you don’t use a holster at all). Let’s say you have a flimsy holster that is not molded to your firearm and you go to re-holster. During re-holstering, part of the flimsy holster is folded over and gets into the trigger guard. This can, and has, depressed triggers and made the firearm go off. This is a negligent discharge. While very rare, it’s important that you are using a proper holster for your particular firearm. We stand by using a molded holster 100%, such as the Crossbreed holster pictured. Whether it’s a popular hybrid leather/kydex IWB holster or another type, having a holster that’s made to fit your exact firearm goes a long way.
Let’s talk about Glocks for a second. Any Glock pistol has internal safeties that Glock calls their Safe Action System. These safeties are in place to do things such as, for example, not allowing the firing pin to move forward unless the trigger is pulled. It’s literally impossible for a Glock to discharge without pulling the trigger.
Revolvers. If every cylinder is loaded, a revolver always has ‘one in the chamber’. But, for some reason, people feel that it’s safer than a semi-auto. The hammer isn’t cocked so it can’t go off. Well, it’s the same with a semi-auto. While a Glock is in a ‘half-cocked’ state when the trigger is in the forward position, it will still never fire because of the information discussed in the previous paragraph.
Take the test
If you’re still uncertain about carrying with one in the chamber, take this next piece of information into consideration. Every time you un-holster your firearm, how many times has the trigger been depressed once removed? The answer should be never. If this is the case, then it’s safe to say that if you were carrying with one in the chamber, you wouldn’t have a discharge during the day. If you’ve carried for a year every single day with an empty chamber and never saw your trigger depressed at the end of the day, that’s a good sign.
If all of this doesn’t ease your concern, you may want to get more familiar with your firearm and practice as much as you can. We aren’t saying that you should stop carrying, but if you ever need your firearm one day, racking the slide can either:

  • Take an eternity (because you’re caught off guard and have adrenalin running)
  • Cause a malfunction (because the majority of malfunctions happen when the slide is moving)
  • Not rack at all because you don’t have enough time and are already dead
  • Not rack at all because of a million different reasons

So You Think You’re Ready For a Gun

You’ve reached that point where you feel you need to own a firearm; a home defense handgun to protect yourself, property, and family… whatever the case may be. How do you start the process; because the act of picking your first pistol can be an overwhelming task Experienced shooters go back and forth between makes and models all the time, before deciding on their next purchase.

For the inexperienced shooter getting the right weapon can be a very taxing process. Hopefully, I can throw out a few ideas to make the decision a little easier.

So, when it comes to your first handgun, what constitutes the “right gun?” To me, the biggest factor that needs to be taken into consideration is the fit…how does the gun fit your hand? If it doesn’t feel good in your hand, you’re probably not going to like shooting it, and that means you’re not going to shoot it well.

Before all this happens, however, you need to do research. This means going to different places on the web, and checking on gun reviews. Perhaps you could type “best first handgun” in a search engine, and start there. If you have a friend who owns firearms, ask that person. The vast majority of gun owners thoroughly enjoy helping a person out when it comes to choosing a firearm.

Do not get hung up on caliber! There are way too many people who feel that a certain caliber is the end all when it comes to handguns; that everything else is garbage. This is very apparent in the 9mm/.40/.45 debate. Truth be told, when using modern day HP ammo… there isn’t much difference between the three, and that’s coming from a 1911 .45 ACP guy.

You really need to make an effort; if possible, to shoot a variety of handguns. Hopefully, you get the chance to shoot both revolvers and semi-auto in a variety of calibers. Some gun shops have ranges, and many times they’ll let you shoot some of their weapon, if you explain the reasoning. Perhaps your friend has a few different pistols that they will let you shoot.

Hands on, live fire training is the best way to establish a foundation from which you can use to make the decision on what weapon you want. Would you buy a new car without driving it first? No, you wouldn’t, so why would you go and buy a handgun without making an effort to first get some live-fire training; especially if you’ve never shot a handgun before? So, you’ve done some research, and hopefully shot some handguns, so the next step is you need to go out and find one that’s available in your price range. So, let’s go to the local dealer!

You walk into your local gun shop, and…you’re blown away by the amount of weapons they have. Don’t sweat it; you’ll get the help you need. After all, you are a potential sale. There you are trying out a few different handguns, and this takes us back to first important point in the article: fit. The gun needs to fit your hand; it needs to feel good and comfortable. For simplicity and reliability; it’s hard to beat a revolver, but you really like that 9mm in your hand… it just feels right! That brings up another important point, but first let me share with you a story.

I have a friend who teaches the Ohio concealed Carry course. A few months back he received a call from a gentleman inquiring about a class for him and his wife. After explaining the course, and asking a few questions to determine if the man and his wife were eligible for the license, a date for the class was agreed upon. The man went onto explain that he had purchased weapons for both him and his wife, along with ammo. The weapons were a very good make in a good defensive caliber.

Class day arrived, and as the instructor started teaching the various actions of pistols, he decided to use the client’s weapons as a demonstration tool for the semi-auto portion. After demonstrating how to load and work the slide, he hands the weapon to the wife for her to try out, and… she did not have the hand strength to “rack the slide.” If you’re set on a semi-auto for your first handgun, make sure you can properly operate the slide! If you can’t do that, the firearm is useless in your hands. Well, you could throw it at someone, I guess.

Another possible consideration is size. Many people down the road end up getting a concealed carry license, so a full-size 1911 probably wouldn’t be a good choice to start with. I don’t want to get into the big “best caliber” debate, because to me the “best caliber” is the one you shoot the most accurately. That being said, the smallest caliber I would buy is a .380 for personal defense. That’s just my opinion.

Once you get your gun, you need to practice with it. You’ve picked this weapon for protection; it’s only going to be as accurate as you are, so practice makes perfect! Take a firearms class, or even a concealed carry class. Some states; like Ohio, have mandatory classroom/range time as part of the course. You don’t have to apply for your concealed carry license once the class is over, but what you do get is valuable training with your handgun, and a better understanding of how it works.

It’s also vitally important that you know how to take apart and clean the gun. You can find this out by reading your manual, and once again searching for information on the web. Hopefully, I’ve given you a little bit of useful guidance to help you with making your selection. Gun ownership is a right guaranteed to you in our constitution…congrats on exercising your 2nd Amendment rights!

Steve Dailey is land surveyor, and lives in NE Ohio. A Marine Corps veteran, Steve is married, has two sons, and three grandchildren. In his spare time, Steve enjoys pistol shooting, and being a member of Northeast Ohio Carry;; a 2nd Amendment advocate group serving NE Ohio.